Paying Your Medical Bill Without Going Into Bankruptcy

Despite having health insurance, it is still possible to rack up serious medical bills. Your insurance may have a deductible or may not cover certain procedures and necessary treatments. Like any debt, medical debt can affect your credit rating if it's not paid promptly. Declaring bankruptcy may create even more complications. However, there are ways to make that debt more manageable. Talk to the hospital's billing department: Many people aren't aware that some hospitals are willing to negotiate or work with their patients regarding their bills. [Read More]

When You're In The Clink, It's Time To Think- Your Options For Getting Out Of Jail In A Timely Manner

When you are in jail, the first thing on your mind is how to get out of jail as soon as possible. Once your bail is set, you can post it and leave. Unfortunately, if your resources are limited, it may be difficult to come up with the full amount. Understanding your options helps you out of the clink and back to the activities of your daily life. 1. Pay the Full Amount in Cash. [Read More]

Kiddie Taxes -- Does Your Child Need To File A Return?

Adults generally know that they have to file taxes, but whether your child needs to file can be a more difficult question. So, how can parents know when and how to file an income tax return for their children? Filing Thresholds The threshold for being required to file is smaller for dependents than it is for non-dependents. This is because the parent or guardian who claims their child as a dependent gets some of the tax benefits on their own returns (in the form of the dependent exemption of $4,000 in 2015). [Read More]

Answering Questions Concerning Bail Bonding Services

Being arrested and charged with a crime can be a devastating problem for you to encounter. In addition to causing you to experience intense emotional stress, defending yourself against criminal accusations can be expensive and inconvenient. While it is usually possible for a person who posts bail to be released until their trial, your bail amount can be extremely high, which means you may be unable to post bail or hire an attorney. [Read More]